Saturday, October 3, 2009

Here is the new baby terrapin hatched at Soundwaters! Isn't it cuuuute! :-) Let's do all we can to ensure that these amazing creatures are protected and have every chance to remain a part of our LI Sound ecosystem!

Click Here to check in on SoundWaters blog and see how the baby diamondback terrapin is doing over the next few weeks.

Mr. Forde :-)


Anonymous said...

Wow mr. Forde I think its really amazing that the new baby terrapin was only the size of a penny. I hope your advisory enjoys working with the Terrapins at soundwaters.
- Sanju :)
(old advisory student)

Anonymous said...

Awwww!!!!! Wook at da baby turtle.... doh doh doh....


Kelly F said...

The baby terrapins are so cute and that they are the size of a penny when they are babies is adorable i hope that your advisory is enjoying working with soundwaters.