Sunday, December 28, 2008

Contact with a Terrapin Researcher!

Hi All,

I was excited to get a neat response from one of our recent cries for help from the Internet. Dr. Russell Burke of Hofstra University has offered his expertise to us as we continue to try and figure out how we can help the Diamondback Terrapin.

Here is the text of his e-mail to us...

"By all means make me a regular contact and post my stuff on your blog. Tell me more about what you're doing and maybe I can help or even visit sometime.

be careful working with the hardware cloth, it can scratch your hands and arms pretty seriously as you cut it. take your time and wear gloves and long sleeves.

Attached are some papers that may be of interest. the Burke et al. paper was co-authored by two high school students in my lab."


Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
Hofstra University

We will be sure to contact him soon with some meaningful questions. We'll keep you posted!

Mr. Forde :-)

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