Here are two turtle exclosures that we designed using some left over fencing materials and wire ties. We are not sure how useful they will be but we rose to the challenge and have two finished products. What do you think?
We were hoping they would help to protect terrapin nests...once we find some at Cove Island Park.
Terrapin Kids
1 comment:
FROM: Dr. Burke of HOfstra University
How very nice to hear there's someone doing terrapin work in CT. I've been asking around and not having very much luck finding anyone working in your state. I applaud your efforts.
I assume that your major issue is with raccoons, that's the most common predator range-wide. over the years we have used a variety of predator excluders, all work reasonably well altho some are easier to construct and maintain than others. lately we have used a 2-piece design similar to that used by sea turtle researchers. it is basically a covered cylinder made with 1/4 hardware cloth. we cut a strip of hardware cloth about 6 feet long and a foot wide and curl it into a circle. we bind the ends with twist ties. then we cut a circle of hardware cloth to fit the top and bind it on with twist ties too. we dig a circular trench around the nest matching the size of the circle and bury the sides at least 6 inches deep. if we're not going to be able to check it every day in the late summer/early fall for hatchlings, we cut little slits along the side so they can escape after they emerge.
I can send you some pics if you like.
hope this is helpful!
please stay in touch.
Dr. Russell Burke
Department of Biology
Hofstra University
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